Do it for YOU! | Ms. C | New Orleans Studio Session

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New Orleans Studio Boudoir

Ms. C reached out to us after a friend of her’s did a session and she HAD to do one herself! After working hard on her fitness this beauty lost 80+ lbs and is feeling GORGEOUS in her new healthier skin and we are excited to support her on her journey!

We hear all of the time “I’m not at my goal weight” or “My body isn’t where I want to be” - but your body is exactly where it needs to be because your MIND has decided that you want to do this!

I’ve been photographed from goal weight to heaviest weight and I LOVE every session I’ve done because it was exactly what I needed in that body to love it. (Tina)

We can’t wait to be apart of your Body Love Experience with Beausoleil Boudoir!

Click the link below and we will get things going - you’ll hear from our Boudoir Concierge and she will answer any questions you may have about the sessions <3 <3